
Showing posts from September, 2021

September 20, 2021 Edition

  “If you torture the statistician long enough, they’ll massage the numbers to tell any story you would like!” This quote is very similar to my last update and further emphasizes the message that numbers can tell a variety of stories.  At the end of the day, we need to consider the source, the circumstances (environment), as well as any personal experiences before making an individual judgement.  This harvest, there will be the usual amount of data, but we should all be cognizant of the stress conditions before making too many conclusions despite how the data looks and feels. Over the past couple weeks, a few questions are common to area farm producers and thus I’ll place these topics together in no particular order: corn development and weather, soybean seed quality, combine settings, and the potential future of dicamba.  As usual, we’ll try to keep the commentary to a minimum and let the data try to tell an accurate story.   Corn Development and Growing Degree Day (heat unit) accumul