
Showing posts from November, 2021

November 17, 2021 Edition

  “Facts are stubborn, but statistics are more pliable.” – Mark Twain Mr. Twain always has a way of kindly tickling the old brain cells.  I think he is basically saying that facts are facts regardless of the circumstances, while statistics could easily be more adaptive to the conditions.  In agriculture, there is probably a tendency for most of the comparisons to change from one end of the farm to the other (soil types/rainfall patterns) or just from season to season based on climate differences.  Regardless, it’s always best to keep an open mind and dig a little deeper when possible (more on this topic later). Like usual, the questions from area farm producers have been numerous.  Therefore, I’ll try to hit the most common topics in brief fashion and in no particular order: fertilizer price concerns, weed resistance, on-farm data analysis, and machinery investments. Fertilizer Price Concerns One grain marketing analysist earlier this month stated, “despite the high fertilizer prices,