
Showing posts from February, 2022

Feb. 23, 2022 Edition

  “W hen it rains, things get wet.  And when things get wet, you can't do what you want to do." - John Madden; NFL Hall of Fame member With a quote like this, you would have thought Mr. Madden spent some time in the Northern Plains of the US on a farm during the spring and autumn.  However, my bet was he was referencing the fact that sometimes you have to keep things simple in order to accomplish your objective.  In his own way, Madden was a genius at keeping his football analysis simple but effective, and he achieved legendary status while doing so.  In this world of over analysis, and performance metrics, keeping things simple for a farm business becomes a task all in its own.  Every individual farm operation has their own unique way of monitoring their plans, and any steps to simplify the process usually lead to better efficiency and progress. If you have any ideas for newsletter topics, feel free to reach-out for discussion.  As you can tell from my history of articles, mo