
Showing posts from October, 2021

October 8th, 2021 Edition

  “Statistics are like a bikini.   What they reveal is interesting, but what they hide is vital!” – Aaron Levenstein former Business Professor at Baruch College I’ve found myself in the buddy-seat of several combines this autumn and as usual, the discussion is diverse while we are entertained by the crop in the field and the bushels on the yield monitor.   With the corn grain being consistently dry this year, everyone’s focus is on the bushels.   Even though 3-4% points of moisture are not huge this particular year, the grain moisture content still reveals a significant part of the story when comparing two hybrids.   More on this later… Over the past couple weeks, the questions from area farm producers have been numerous.   Therefore, I’ll try to hit the most common topics in brief fashion: harvest progress, soybean and corn yield losses due to dry grain, product comparisons, and an outlook on crop inputs for 2022.   Corn Harvest Update Despite not having a killing frost in S